Man, it has just been one of those weeks. Not much time or inclination to blog about the goings on. My camera is in for repairs, which means I am without a camera for a month. Not sure what I'm going to do about that. I guess I will try to borrow one or something. Does anyone I know who reads this have a camera I can borrow for a month?? It would be much appreciated. We had a great weekend. We got tons done around the house. I got to got to an lss with my friend Zohra, they were holding a garage sale and I picked up a few things. I was actually very good, I spent only about $6 at the Garage sale and about $5 in the store. Got a couple of Prima pps. OnSaturday evening we went to the Carp Fair. It's a pretty big deal around here. The kids went on a few rides. They loved the spinning strawberries and this giant bumpy slide. Owen asked if we could do it the exact same way next year, so I think that is a reflection of a good trip out. A funny/cute story about Owen. It's getting pretty cold here now, so the other day when we were going out to play I got out a sweater for Owen to put on. I said Owen, come put on this "fleece" sweater. He absolutely refused to put it on. I was like, whatever, be cold then. Anyway, the next day when we were packing up to go to the Carp Fair, I grabbed the sweater again and said "we'll bring this fleece just in case, so if you get cold, then we have it. Owen says: "I'm not putting on that sweater with fleas" I was like "what do you think that "fleece" is Owen?" He was like: "the things that make dogs itchy" I laughed so hard. It is so cute how their minds work. I was like: "Owen, why on earth would I try to get you to wear something with fleas on it???? I would never do that!" Anyway, today I really hurt my head. First time since I was a kid. I was wearing my crocs to go take garbage outside and I slipped out the door and smashed the top of my head on the corner of a brick. I cried a lot, partly from pain, partly from emotion and partly from fear of concussion or brain damage. I think I am fine, but it freaking hurt. It even bled a bit and I have a big bump on it. Well that's it for now, Tricia
Lovely Friends
19 hours ago
Ouch! Hope your head is ok, Tricia!
Love the 'fleece' story. hehehe Kids are so funny!
That's too bad about the camera - hope it is fixed quickly - maybe you can scrap some old photos. :)
Oh sweetie...hope your head is OK....that sounds like it HURT!!!! Now the fleece story just brought a smile to my face!!!! Hoping that this week is a bit better and they can fix the camera quickly!!!! :)
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