A couple of months ago, I was trying to clean up our computer and I accidentaly deleted our audio driver. Since that I haven't had any sound on the computer, ie. no music, which on it's own might be dealable but paired with the fact that I've also got a defunct ipod, has been utterly miserable. I haven't had the time to investigate the solution to the problem and so, have lived with this problem. Yesterday I finally looked into it and had only to go to the manufacterer's website and re-download it. Bam! Problem solved. Wish I had have done it sooner. ANyway I have been in music heaven all day long!!!
In this picture Owen was running away because I asked him togive Ella a hug. I had it on a funny setting and this was the result. I made the mistake of telling him that it was because he moves too fast for the camera:
Later the kids broke out into dance as per usual:
I like this one of the kids and I: Here's our basement:
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