
I want the sun back

So of course it has been a long long time since my last post. What can I say? I'm not a very good blogger. I'm sure thatpeople who know me are not really surprised. We have gotten very busy lately. I have lots of good pictures to share, which I know that somepeople in my family have been waiting for from recent events. Sorry for the wait...hope it was worth it.

This first picture is just something that I made in Photoshop tonight just playing around with my new pen tablet. I have been wanting to get one for a while now and I absolutely love it. You use it in place of a mouse and it feels much more natural and cuts time big time, esp. with photo editing and tasks in photoshop. I totally recommend getting them for whatever.

This is a little mini-album that I made for my mother in law, this one is of Ella's baptism, I'm going to make them (not necessarily baptism ones) for the other grandparents as well. I am going to give it to MIL tomorrow, I hope she will like it and I hope it cheers her up a bit. This week they had to put down theeir family dog, Bailey, who was an incredibly fabulous dog. He will be sorely missed. On a happier note though, they have a new puppy "Maggie" whom we are going to meet tomorrow.

This is a layout that I did recently of Owen and his dancing. He has this athletic style of dance much like breakdancing. It is his own style and I love it. I want to get him into breakdancing, but there is none near where I live. Apparently the few places where it's offered if you go iton town, it is VERY expensive due to lack of demand. Anyone in the Ottawa area know where they have b-dancing lessons available and how much approx.??

The kids the other day, playing with their neighbour friends:

Ella looks like an old British lady:

A little cutie from down the street:

so serious This is one of favorite recent layouts that I have done. I used my pen tablet to write and draw on the photo, and some brushes in Photoshop to deorate the picture. It's just about how I love in these warmer months how we can just go outside for hours and the kids do nothing but use their imaginations the whole time, just like I did as a child. The kids get SO attached to tv in the winter months. That's mostly my fault, I know, but
I much prefer for us to be outside. They are just so much more fulfilled as individuals when they can just be free without the obvious limitations of being in the house. I just think they are so much more capable of reaching their potential when they have that type of play.Owen and Ella playing in the sprinkler last week(I think) one of the days when it was really warm

I sneaked this one of Ella:

and this one of Barney...as if you have to sneak up on him. He only lifts an eyebrow, one way or the other, as can be observed below, see that eyebrow on the right?

I like this one of ella playing in the dirt, of course. ...she's not going to be a Tomboy.

sprinkler fun
ella delighted and shocked by the cold water
Owen involved in his usual shenannigans, never a dull moment.
What to say?? I'm not sure she's even human, maybe half human-half planet of the apes/possum/rat

Again, what is the deal with my children. Any time I try to get a shot of Owen, he tries to act as weird as possible so I will just drop the whole thing. He is VERY good at it
love this shot
ella modelling her new hat from nana and her new shirt from nannie, weird outfit, i know.
I took this shot of a barn near my house when we were out strolling around a couple of weeks ago. A fruit experiment a while ago, david decided he wanted to try some dragon fruit, he was feeling saucy at the grocery store. Anyway, both David an I pretty much hated it, but ella was a big fan strangely enough. She ate most of it herself
layout I did chronicling the whole incident

ella pointing something out to me
Owen's bf's birthday party recently:

cake time
The boys played what i think they call wiffle golf, they were all really impressed with themselves as they all completely forgot about their children and the bbq. why not, mommies were there.
the birthday boy Is this not the cute cute cutest thing you have ever seen a Grandpa do??? See in the first one as his grandson runs away with glee:

ella swinging

swinging with a cast

kids going beserk , not even sure if that's how you spell that probably the first time in about 20 years since I have said/wrote that...
baby deliciousness!!!!
Lacey reading BATMAN to Wyatt
new toys
another baby shot, can you handle the cuteness?
card that i made for connor Owen and "Conn" as he calls him. we brought out a blanket and a bunch of toys on a nice day. Connor was still new with his cast and was having a hard time playing around. Here playing Memory
don't break the ice, owen likes to break the ice, that was the first turn(this gets conn pretty understandably annoyed with owen)

second round, with promises of following the rules this time...what do you think happened, at least conn was able to join in this time, having already wised up to owen style
Owen's first game of t-ball, team huddle. they were so friggin cute!!! one of the kids, once he hit the ball, he ran straight after it, picked it up and shouted proudly "I GOT IT!!!!
This is something I made for my sister, it was supposed to be for her birthday, but I didn't get it to her in time. . I think money filled in nicely. This is a prize that I was sent by a lady who runs a doodle challenge on sb.com. She was so generous and gave me some super cute goodies. That's a card she made and included with the gift.

Owen in a little spot between the boat and the house
ella and her friend abbey

I love this picture, again, i know ell'a's outfit is weird. I try to interfere as minimally as possible. this is the unfortunate result.

neighbour trying to sqeeze owen's brains for some reason??
life line

lauren sneaking up on mallory to give her some serious tickles, serious cute factor, check out maollory's face in the 2nd one
eyes...so beautiful
these are some pictures from meaghan's 19th birthday. jeff and craig and i went over for a fajita lunch. this picture was altogether too terrifying in colour, they both have super blue eyes. Anyway, i didn't want to give people seizures, what is up with these freaks??? I think her right eye is trying to hypnotize me.
Tthis is meaghan's fajita. Being around Meaghan when she's eating can be a very alarming experience if you aren't prepared for what's in store. The passion that she expresses for food is both charming and unsettling all at the same time. She becomes very animalistic. Her breathing accelerates, she starts rocking herself into a rythm. It's all very ferell. I am not even lying. Most people honestly ask when we get a moment aside how on earth she is not the size of a sumo wrestler.
checking out perez, we are pop culture addicts
cake that mom made for meaghan
happy birthday to you
and pure excitment as she makes her wish and successfully blew out her four(?) candles. Meaghan is special. We had a flood in our basement a couple of weeks ago when the sump pump failed. Here are some of the garbage bags lined up after clean-up.
con's cast, i signed it too!
owen stuffed himself into the new sump pump box
flood picture
party at zohra's a few week's ago, i only thought to get a picture at the end of the night. i promised them i wouldn't publish bad ones...
an ant dragging his fallen soldier across my counter, not sure if it's an act of heroism ar cannibalism???
spring production at the school, shots were taken in the extremely dark gym, so quality not so good.
sunshine coming out to help the little seeds grow.
the seeds become a flower, a flower, a flower
side to side
Ella's new kicks, and a lo about them:
These are the chicks that the kids in Owen's class hatched. They got them as eggs and followed their development.
A layout of Ella's baptism
Ella at her baptism, i love theses pictures!

Our trip to Waterloo, NY. Mom driving
Meaghan in the back
The GPS we used, on the bottom left, it says our arrival time was supposed to be 8:33 pm, which ended up being more like 12:30 in between getting confused, making wrong turns and random shopping. It was a long journey there though.
our "view"
This is a view from the parking lot of the outlet mall that we go to. this picture was taken smack dab in the centre of the parking lot, which is completely encompassed by the mall. We shopped from 12:00 to about 8:00, solid shopping no breaks pretty much. We were pretty cranky and tired by the end, but we all found some great stuff.
Meaghan showing off some of her new loot
This pretty tree was in full blossom in the parking lot. I thought it looked so pretty with the bright blue sky as a backdrop.
Meaghan in the parking lot, we were bored and freezing, waiting for our mom to get to the car.
meaghan's eye